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Our articles cover various aspects of online booking and customer flow, from the latest trends and technologies to best practices and real-world examples. Whether you are in the service industry or just interested in learning more about these topics, we've got you covered.

The security of Vihta is ensured through continuous development work

The security of Vihta is ensured through continuous development work. The topic of security has been widely discussed in public lately, due to data breaches and denial of service attacks on websites and services. This has raised concerns about the safety of personal and private information, leading to a loss of trust in sharing data […]

Booking rights are used to guide customers in booking appointments with certain limitations

A service with booking rights is a restricted service that cannot be publicly booked in the customer interface. Initially, Vihta’s special feature of ”booking rights” was implemented so that a professional could manually create a booking right for a customer for a particular service. With the booking right, the customer could book a suitable time […]

How is customer flow managed with the electronic Vihta appointment scheduling system?

Vihta is an online appointment scheduling system available on your website that assists customers in scheduling appointments, arriving at the facility at the scheduled time, and checking in at the service point. The Vihta appointment scheduling system offers a smooth customer flow management process as described below:

Self-registration makes it easier for both the customer and the professional to operate at the clinic

How to guide customer flow in Vihta When a customer walks into a healthcare facility to receive a service, such as a doctor’s appointment or a lab test, the procedure traditionally begins by waiting for the appointment in the waiting room or registering in a queue with a customer service representative behind the desk. When […]